Posts Tagged ‘akka’

CQRS/ES with Scala, Akka and Lift

Wow, more than a year has passed since the last blog post. Time for an update.

When we started creating, we iterated quickly using the ORM built into Lift: Mapper. It is a fairly simple (in a good way!) ORM based on the Active Record pattern. It comes with builtin support for things like CRUD screens etc. This allowed us to create functionality fast, essential in a new company trying to get a product to market.

Fast forward a few years. As product complexity grows, the simplicity of Mapper and the tight coupling of data to UI was becoming a burden. It was not possible to create the more advanced queries without running into the N+1 problem. We also needed to present and edit information in the UI which is not directly related to single records. Basically we are moving towards a more task based UI.

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